In addition to the extra fluids, I also said that I wouldn't deny myself anything that I fancied, but would make an extra big effort to eat something healthy before indulging. That's exactly what I did last week and the biggest benefit I found was that it made me really super conscious of what I was eating. I've always been what I would call an "unconscious grazer". I can think of tens of occasions where I've eaten something without thinking (because I fancy it not because I am hungry) and as soon as I've swallowed it I've thought "Bugger, I'm meant to be on a diet" and it's been a slippery slope that's hard to get off of. In eating something healthy first I've found the either of the following usually happens:
- I eat the healthy thing and no longer want the item I originally craved in the first place
- I eat the healthy thing and then what I originally wanted but I don't feel guilty about it because I've also eaten a healthy thing too which is good for my body and that sort of redresses the balance. Now before you all think I'm a total fruit loop I know that eating an apple before a Mars Bar really doesn't cancel out the Mars Bar, but by enforcing that little rule I've eaten an extra piece of fruit, where in the past I would probably have had two Mars Bars instead :) (incidentally I still have the three Snickers bars in my handbag that were there when I started this little project and chocolate has never ever had that long a life span in my posession before!).
So, new for this week is another change that I want to make. To put it simply, I want to move around more. I do like to exercise however two small children, a full time job and a husband that works a varied shift pattern makes regular exercise difficult. At least, that's the excuse I've been telling myself for some time now. So I'm going to stop trying to justify my laziness to myself and make time to be more active. I'm lucky enough to live near some fantastic parks and open spaces so I am going to make the effort to go out and do more with the kids. We had a fantastic stomp around the local country park tonight at a time when we would usually be vegging out in front of the tellybox. Also, is it really sad to be excited about your workplace getting "pool" bikes that can be hired out for a lunchtime bike ride? Well, we have some on order, baggsy first go! I'm planning on getting out at least twice a week at lunchtime when the weather is good, that fits in perfectly with the rest of my routine and is not affected by the kids/hubby/work issue. If I carry on with my first two changes and can enforce this third one I reckon I'm on for a stone in total off by the end of the next fortnight....
If you've made any commitment to changing your habits in order to achieve a health goal leave me a comment, tell me all about it at the bottom of the page, thanks for reading xx
Sorry for commenting so late in the week, and not at all last week. Just wanted to say well done on keeping up your changes and glad it's having the desired effect.
ReplyDeleteHere's a quick update on my own.
I've had varied success with exercising for ten minutes each day. Certainly I've done a lot more exercise over the last few weeks but each and every day? Probably not. I think I'm satisfied with the impetus I've been given regardless of if a can actually qualify an actual change!
I don't remember making a change two weeks ago so I'll skip it. In the week before you started this blog I stopped drinking for a week but now I've kept it going and, barring some tastings at the Good Food show and a sip of whiskey this weekend, I've now gone four weeks without drinking. That for me is remarkable and I'm crediting it in part to you so thanks!
This week I've been acting on things. That is rather than putting things off I've been doing them as soon after I realise I need to do them as is practicably possible.
If you recall one of my goals was to save money and so far by just getting on and doing things I've saved myself £46 EACH MONTH by cancelling life insurance I don't need any more and have booked for a water meter to be fitted so that should save me £20ish a month too. I've also spent some time switching bank accounts and the like to make sure I'm getting better deals.
Acting on things is a really good one. I definitely recommend it. You get a lot done.
I'll wait until I read your blog tomorrow to think of something for the coming week. For now, I've just realised I need to tidy the kitchen before I can go to bed!!